Sunday, July 28, 2013

VICTIM OF GRACE by Robin Jones Gunn

In "Victim of Grace" Robin Jones Gunn candidly opens up her heart as she deftly interweaves the experiences of her life with scenes from binlical characters to tell a most compelling tale of God's amazing grace and goodness. When we are caught up in the dire and distressing circumstances of life, we are actually victims of God's grace and not victims of life's stormy vicissitudes.

Robin's well-crafted stories unlock hidden places in our hearts and renews our souls in a fresh new way as she vividly portrays the dark valleys she has stumbled through to come out victoriously on the mountaintops of life. God's extravagant kindness and love is not limited to the Bible. He wants to anoint us as victims of grace.

Here is the profound wisdom and amazing insight of a godly woman who walks intimately with her Lord. In a book that is clearly God-haunted, her unflinching and hopeful life story is filled with poignant heartache and rare beauty, honestly recounted on the pages of her life. It makes us want to "know Jesus more clearly, love Him more dearly and follow him more nearly, day by day."

In every moment of each new day, Robin experiences the love of God fall afresh upon her in the most unexpected ways. His love flows in extraordinary abundance and she is totally powerless to stop Him. Even in the worst of situations, His goodness prevails. God is a relentless Lover and she is a victim of grace. "It's all grace. Grace upon grace. God's extravagant grace."

God's ways are mysterious, his timing is not ours, and He accomplishes His glorious plans in our lives, even when our circumstances are far from perfect, and in spite of the difficult situations in our lives. We are not alone, even when it is painful. God is with us and He walks with us through our pain.

Robin explains that when God recorded the lives of people in the Bible, He didn't airbrush them and make them surreal. He showed them exactly as they were - real, flawed and human. God loved them deeply. He fashioned them by His own hand and knew each one of them by heart.

As the afternoon rain fell in misty drops, Robin watched the fluid grace gently cover, nourish, cleanse and restore everything in sight. Her thoughts ran deep. God gives and gives and gives. His generosity is unending and endless. God bestows His unmerited grace and favour upon ordinary people.

Robin gathered her free-fall stories and strung them together, like pearls on a string, alongside stories of women in the Bible. Eventually it came full circle. God's goodness prevails, even when we cannot see the end of the story. We must trust in the greatness of God. "His Will is good and acceptable and perfect."

© Miriam Jacob

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