Thursday, November 14, 2013


"The War on Christmas" by Bodie Hodge presents the issues confronting Christmas in today's world. Christmas is under attack! "When the Bible is left out, God is left out. So man, by default, becomes that authority." Man elevates himself to a position of authority above God, and demands the removal of God and His Word from every area of life.

"We now see conflicts covering Christmas. There is a war on Christmas. We must defend Christmas if we are to celebrate it. Christians must know what they celebrate at Christmas. What is the real reason for Christmas? Are we really celebrating the birth of Christ? The true gift of Christmas is Christ. Do we understand who Jesus is and what He did?"

We must celebrate Christmas in our hearts. The child in the manger is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. God has come to live in our world. 'Christ-mas' means 'Christ Celebration'. "When God brought His Son into the world, all the angels worshipped Him" - (Hebrews 1:6). The angels celebrated his birth like no other in history. Christmas is about Jesus Christ. It is His birthday. As Christians, we must celebrate Christ's birth in our hearts all the time.

Jesus is God's only Son. God sent Him to earth to save us. Our faith is based on the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He is the embodiment of God. The Trinity is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Christianity is about a Person and a relationship. It is about our relationship with God, who sent His Son to earth to identify with us. When we accept Jesus into our hearts, it is the start of a new relationship with God. We are transformed into His likeness. "God has set eternity in the human heart" - (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

Jesus Christ is God's greatest gift to man. At Christmas, God blessed the world with Christ's love. "We because He first loved us" - (1 John 4:19).

"God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life" - (John 3:16). God is our Father. We are His children. When we receive Jesus into our hearts, we become children of God.

Christ is God's gift to us at Christmas. After a supernatural conception by the Holy Spirit, Jesus was carried in Mary's womb and born as a helpless, vulnerable, newborn baby. God personally supervised every single detail of His birth, so He was never at risk. “God created perfect seed for the conception that took place in Mary’s womb, thus producing a perfect man of flesh and blood untainted by sin.”

God sent Jesus into the world in a most humble way. His lowly birth was a personal reflection of God's selfless character and tender, compassionate heart. Jesus was the most humble Person who lived on earth even though He is God. He humbled Himself for our sakes. Christ convicts the human heart. He did not stay in the cradle. He pressed on to conquer.

© Miriam Jacob

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