"The Fortunate Accident" by Emily Deady is a most enjoyable, clean love story that is true to its name. When Derrik, a young ship's crewman is injured, General Strand's daughter, Lady Aida, a beautiful lady with the gentlest of eyes, visits him daily. She has loved him for ever so long but he doesn't know it as she concealed it from him. All he knows is that her happy face kindles a fire in his heart and he doesn't want to fan the flames. As Derrik's heart opens to Aida and his feelings grow for her, he feels it might be much easier for her if she doesn't know how much he cares for her. As it wasn't possible that they could ever build a life together, due to the complex pecking order of the upperclass hierarchy, both as a titled lady and the General's daughter. Derrik didn't want to lead her on falsely, without hope. But Derrik needn't have worried. Aida's love for him was a natural gift that couldn't be denied. This lighthearted, clean novella guarantees a perfect happily ever after! I highly recommend it to all who wish to read a beautiful, uplifting love story, to enjoy to their hearts' content.
Miriam Jacob
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