Thursday, June 9, 2011

JUNGLE WARFARE by Christopher A. Cunningham

Christians are warriors in constant warfare who are called to persevere in spite of what comes their way. Here is a valuable lesson to be tackled head-on, at first hand. The best of all champions know beyond the shadow of a doubt that true Christians are winners who never quit. They are called to run the race of life and to run, fully expecting to win the prize. In Jungle Warfare, Christopher Cunningham reveals how to fight and win the battle of faith in the jungle of life with God's Word as our field manual.

Christians battle a deadly spiritual enemy who schemes, plots and prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking whom to devour. They are called to fight on a physical and spiritual front simultaneously, on the most challenging terrain.Christians fight with Jesus Christ as their Commander-in-Chief. They are perfectly confident in the knowledge that He has already won the battles they will face.

Christians feel the presence of God's Holy Spirit as He leads them through the jungle of life in the presence of their enemies. Christians are called to muster up the courage and strength to face the hardest of times and still retain their basic integrity, sense of duty and love of freedom in the basic principles of the Christian faith. Christians will possess a peace that passes all understanding and navigate through the jungles of life with the One who knows the way.

Every Christian is a soldier. Christian soldiers are prayer warriors and members of a team of believers worldwide. They serve the people of the world and live out the Christian values. They always place their calling first, don't accept defeat and never quit. They are Good Samaritans, well-trained and disciplined, mentally and physically tough, proficient in any warrior tasks they might have to face.
God enabled Christopher Cunningham to recapture his passion for Him and for His life's work. God lit a flame inside him that inspired him to train others, to humble himself and to know that God is in complete control. Christopher Cunningham writes that "God's love is a wonderful, unyielding, unwavering, unconditional, unselfish, and uncanny love called 'agape,' best characterized by its unconditional and sacrificial nature." In the jungle of life, God's unconditional love is our compass. When all else fails, love wins!

&copy Miriam Jacob

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