Christian mentors are trusted counselors who give Biblical training on how to live a successful Christian life to their mentees. Christ leads and we follow. The mentor is the role model who leads the mentees to follow and emulate. Christian mentoring submits to the leadership of Christ in a mutual role of sharing and trust with the mentees. The mentor is a trusted confidante who relies on the gentle guidance of the Holy Spirit for wisdom and insight to impart spiritual truths to the mentee. Mentors train disciples to transmit the faith to others. Mentors are committed to follow Christ and live up to their calling. Christian mentors equip others to mentor.
Mentors train mentees to worship Christ and lead good Christian lives. They offer wholehearted guidance and support in mutual love and obedience. This takes a lot of clear-sighted vision and understanding of the Bible. The mentor trains potential leaders, who in their turn, mentor and train others to become leaders. The extraordinary skills and unique abilities of a mentor sets him apart to be an obedient child of God, with selfless dedication and unquestioning obedience to God's call. Mentees are taught to live for Christ. The Christian mentor is a force for the Kingdom to be reckoned with. It is a giant leap of faith.
You, as the Christian mentor, give your mentees spiritual support to become good disciples, help them to grow and mature in faith, realigning their beliefs and behavioral patterns to enable their character to line up with their call. You use your gifts and talents to have a contented life, filled with His Spirit. When serious setbacks and tiresome troubles come into your life, you deal with them fearlessly and learn precious lessons from them. You will be a mentor to someone, as a shining beacon of God's divine light.
To be a good Christian mentor, keep your faith in Christ. Christianity requires a level of faith that is costly. It needs our untiring and selfless obedience. Our faith protects us from what we fear most. It inspires us to do our very best in Christ. As a mentor, you will teach and inspire others. You are a role model, growing in the Lord. You obey His Word. God uses you to impart spiritual learning to others. Being a mentor to your mentee is a relationship and a process. It is about God's love pouring His precepts into us. Be a caring, supportive mentor for Christ.
Christian mentoring is a specialized form of discipleship. The mentor is one who has come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, Lord, and Life, according to Romans 6 and Galatians 2:20. His calling as mentor is to foster this relationship with another believer and to walk with him as he is established in walking in the Spirit.
The mentor should be established in a church which advocates such a relationship where he, too, can be under authority. Such a church should have a discipleship program where one believer leads another to appropriate his death, burial, and resurrection with Christ, thus entering into the Spirit-filled life!
Miriam Jacob & Dr. Charles R. Solomon
© The Authors
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